<日本国外のお客様>VAMPROSE ARCHIVES 有料会員登録方法 / How do I sign up for VAMPROSE ARCHIVES Paid Membership?


If you are currently residing outside of Japan and wish to join VAMPROSE ARCHIVES, please check the instructions on how to register for your Paid Membership below. 

VAMPROSE ARCHIVES paid membership registration steps

If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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継続の方法を教えてほしい / How do I extend my membership?

My Page(マイページ)」に表示される継続手続きボタンからお手続きを行ってください。

例)会員有効期限:12月31日 → 11月1日より継続のお手続きができます。
※会員有効期限月は、My Page(マイページ)でご確認いただけます。

Begin by clicking “My Page” button.

* You can extend your membership a month before the month your membership expires. 
For Example: If your membership expires on December 31st → You can apply for an extension on November 1st.
 *You can check your membership expiration date on “My Page”.


If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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クレジットカード支払いで決済を済ませたが、決済完了メールが届かない / I paid with a credit card, but I did not receive the “payment completed” notification email.







My Page(マイページ)」にてメールアドレスの登録情報をご確認ください。

Please check the list of possible reasons below before contacting us using the inquiry form. 

■ The email might have been delivered to your Spam/ Junk mail folder by default.

 <For PC email> 
You might have not received an email from us because the settings of your mail server, software, antivirus or etc, recognized it as Spam/Junk and delivered it accordingly. Please check all inboxes, including Spam/ Junk mail box again, or check the settings of your email server and software before contacting us. 

 <For Mobile email> 
There is a possibility that our email was not delivered because of the Spam/Junk mail filter set by your mobile carrier or the domain-specified incoming mail settings. Try to change your incoming mail settings to specify the domain, so that you can receive email from us vamprose-archives.com.  
* Regarding the incoming mail settings, even if you do not know what your settings are, depending on your mobile carrier, the network security may be set on high by default.  Please be sure to check all these settings before attempting to contact us. 

■ The e-mail address you registered is incorrect.  Check your e-mail address information for typos via "My Page".

If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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セキュリティコードとは何ですか? / What is a security code?





A security code is a security feature used to prevent fraudulent use of credit and debit cards.  Please check below for details regarding security codes for each of the credit card types.

・ VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club cards have a 3-digit number printed on the back (just to the right of the credit card number).
・ American Express cards have a 4-digit number printed on the front (above and to the right of the credit card number).

If you don't know or can't read your security code, please contact your bank or your credit card company for assistance.  If you still cannot resolve the issue, please contact us using the inquiry form below.

If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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決済に失敗してしまう / What should I do if the transaction fails?


If the payment doesn’t go through, give it some time and then try again later. 

We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait a while and then repeat the transaction. 


If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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VAMPROSE IDの登録解除をしたい

VAMPROSE IDの登録解除をご希望の場合は、お手数ですがお問い合わせフォームよりご依頼いただきますようお願いいたします。

If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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It is the ID required to use this site. VAMPROSE ID is free for everyone. For more information, please see About Account.


If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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パスワードを忘れた / I forgot my password.


You can reset your password by clicking reset password.

If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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登録情報の確認・変更をしたい / I want to confirm/ change my registration information.

登録情報の確認・変更は 「登録情報変更」 より行ってください。

To confirm or change your registration information, click change registration info.

If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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会員登録をしたいのですが、登録確認メールが届かない / I paid with a credit card,but I haven't received payment confirmation email.





Please check the list of possibilities before attempting to contact us.

■ The email might have been delivered to your Spam/ Junk mail folder by default.
 <For PC email> 
You might have not received an email from us because the settings of your mail server, software, antivirus or etc, recognized it as Spam/Junk and delivered it accordingly. Please check all inboxes, including Spam/ Junk mail box again, or check the settings of your email server and software before contacting us. 

 <For Mobile email> 
There is a possibility that our email was not delivered because of the Spam/Junk mail filter set by your mobile carrier or the domain-specified incoming mail settings. Try to change your incoming mail settings to specify the domain, so that you can receive email from us vamprose-archives.com, then click here ,and repeat to receive the registration confirmation mail.
* Regarding the incoming mail settings, even if you do not know what your settings are, depending on your mobile carrier, the network security may be set on high by default.  Please be sure to check all these settings before attempting to contact us. 

■ The e-mail address you registered is incorrect.  Please check the e-mail address and then re-register for a new account. 

If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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メルマガが届かない / I haven't received the e-mail newsletter.







My Page(マイページ)」にてメールアドレスの登録情報をご確認ください。

Please check the list of possibilities before attempting to contact us.

■ The email might have been delivered to your Spam/ Junk mail folder by default.
 <For PC email> 
You might have not received an email from us because the settings of your mail server, software, antivirus or etc, recognized it as Spam/Junk and delivered it accordingly. Please check all inboxes, including Spam/ Junk again, or check the settings of your email server and software before contacting us. 

 <For Mobile email> 
There is a possibility that our email was not delivered because of the Spam/Junk mail filter set by your mobile carrier or the domain-specified incoming mail settings. Try to change your incoming mail settings to specify the domain, so that you can receive email from us vamprose-archives.com, then please contact us using the inquiry form

* Regarding the incoming mail settings, even if you do not know what your settings are, depending on your mobile carrier, the network security may be set on high by default.  Please be sure to check all these settings before attempting to contact us. 

■ The e-mail address you registered is incorrect.  Check your e-mail address information on "My Page".

If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
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