2022年9月4日,5日にZepp羽田で行われた「HYDE LIVE 2022 RUMBLE FISH」追加公演2日目のASH DA HEROの映像を公開!
ASH DA HERO footage from the 2nd day of the additional "HYDE LIVE 2022 RUMBLE FISH" shows held at Zepp Haneda on September 4th and 5th, is out!

2022年6月より、対バン形式のスタンディング ライヴハウスツアー『HYDE LIVE 2022 RUMBLE FISH』を開催。
追加公演として、ゲストアクトにASH DA HEROを迎えた9/4.5の総集編を独占公開!
“HYDE LIVE 2022 RUMBLE FISH", an all-standing live house tour that kicked off in June 2022.
The highlights of additional 9/4 & 9/5 shows for this tour, with the guest act ASH DA HERO are available exclusively here!

2022年9月4日,5日にZepp羽田で行われた「HYDE LIVE 2022 RUMBLE FISH」追加公演1日目のASH DA HEROの映像を公開!
ASH DA HERO footage from the 1st day of the additional "HYDE LIVE 2022 RUMBLE FISH" shows held at Zepp Haneda on September 4th and 5th, is out!

2019年1月29日、HYDEの誕生日当日に故郷・和歌山で開催された、「HYDE ACOUSTIC CONCERT 黑ミサ BIRTHDAY -WAKAYAMA-」をKen(L’Arc~en~Ciel)のMCを除き完全ノーカット収録、全曲歌詞字幕付き。
The acoustic concert that took the breath away of 27,000 people, KUROMISA, is now on video you can watch at home!
Watch the entire, uncut footage of “HYDE ACOUSTIC CONCERT KUROMISA BIRTHDAY -WAKAYAMA-” (except when Ken/L’Arc~en~Ciel is presenting) taken in 2019 during the show held in HYDE’s hometown of Wakayama on his birthday, January 29th; complete with lyrics on the screen.

2017年6月21日Zepp Tokyoを皮切りに全7都市22公演行われる「VAMPS LIVE 2017 UNDERWORLD」のうち、VAMPS初見参(&初映像化)となるZepp Osaka Bayside公演の模様を全編完全収録!
VAMPS performed at the Zepp Osaka Bayside venue for the first time during their “VAMPS LIVE 2017 UNDERWORLD” tour, which started at Zepp Tokyo on June 21, 2017 and involved 22 shows spanned across 7 cities throughout Japan. This uncut video of the entire show is also the first to be taken at this venue!
You won’t be able to take your eyes off of the spectacular live performance amplified by the extravagant stage design and effects! VAMPS’s unique siege-style tour where they set-up camp at fewer cities and perform more shows at each stop makes these elaborate productions possible. Enjoy the culmination of a “VAMPS siege-style tour”!

制作にほぼ1年を費やしたアルバム『BLOODSUCKERS』を引き下げ、全国ZEPP会場を中心に全33公演のツアーで65,000人を動員した「VAMPS LIVE 2014-2015」に続き、「VAMPS LIVE 2015 BLOODSUCKERS」と題した4年ぶりのアリーナツアーを4都市7公演で開催! その最終日2015年5月31日に行われた、さいたまスーパーアリーナでのショーを完全映像化!
This LIVE video is the culmination of VAMPS “BLOODSUCKERS”!
The “VAMPS LIVE 2014-2015” tour traveled all across Japan with 33 shows (mainly at ZEPP locations) performing in front of 65,000 people, showcasing the “BLOODSUCKERS” album, which the band spent nearly a whole year to put together. Shortly after that successful tour, the duo embarked on the “VAMPS LIVE 2015 BLOODSUCKERS” tour, which was the band’s first arena tour in 4 years stopping at 4 cities in Japan with 7 shows. Footage from the very last show of the arena tour (held at Saitama Super Arena on May 31, 2015) has been edited into a full video production!

2015年1月25日にZepp Tokyoで行われた「VAMPS LIVE 2014-2015」ファイナル公演を完全映像化!
Footage from the “VAMPS LIVE 2014-2015” finale show held at Zepp Tokyo on January 25, 2015 has been edited into a full video production! You won’t be able to take your eyes off of the spectacular live performance amplified by the extravagant stage design and effects! VAMPS’s unique siege-style tour where they set-up camp at fewer cities and perform more shows at each stop makes these elaborate productions possible. Enjoy the culmination of a “VAMPS siege-style tour”!

2021年9月4日に自身最大キャパシティとなる、東京・Zepp Tokyoで開催した"ソロプロジェクト"ASH DA HEROのラストワンマンライブ「ASH DA HERO LIVE 2021 "THE SHOW MUST GO ON”」のドキュメンタリー映像。
バンド勢に引けを取らない圧巻のサウンドを響かせてきたASHが、このワンマンライブでソロ活動を完結させ、バンドとして新たにスタートを切った。Narukaze (G)、Sato (B)、WANI (Dr)、Dhalsim (DJ)という仲間を得て、5ピースバンドとして新章へ。
The documentary video “ASH DA HERO LIVE 2021 ‘THE SHOW MUST GO ON ‘”, the last one-man show of “Solo Project ASH DA HERO” held in Zepp Tokyo on September 4th in 2021
ASH, who has masterpiece sounds comparable to band sounds, completed the solo activity with the one-man live and made a new start as a band. His new chapter got started as the 5-piece band with fellows Narukaze (G), Sato (B), WANI (Dr), Dhalsim (DJ).

HYDE(L'Arc〜en〜Ciel)とK.A.Z(Oblivion Dust) が、2008年、唯一無二のロック・フィールドを目指して結成したロックユニット、VAMPSがユニバーサルミュージック/デリシャス・デリ・レコーズに電撃移籍!その移籍第1弾作品がこの映像作品!!
VAMPS, the rock duo formed in 2008 by HYDE (L’Arc~en~Ciel) and K.A.Z (Oblivion Dust) aiming to become an unrivaled band, shocked everyone when they joined the Universal Music/Delicious Deli Records label! This video production was their very first piece of work with the new label!

2013年10月にソールド・アウトしたロンドンのIslington Academy公演の大好評を受け、2014年3月28日(金)に開催したロンドン公演をいち早くパッケージ化。会場は、旬なアーティストがパフォーマンスをすることで知られるKOKO。
After the October 2013 sold-out show at Islington Academy in London was held to great acclaim, the band quickly put together another London show on March 28, 2014. The venue was KOKO, famous for housing shows by the hottest music artists of the times.

2020年の年末から2021年にかけて全国7都市(札幌・仙台・東京・神奈川・名古屋・大阪・福岡)11公演の全国ツアー「HYDE LIVE 2020-2021 ANTI WIRE」。その2021年1月31日(日)@東京国際フォーラムでのライヴ模様が待望の映像化!
“HYDE LIVE 2020-2021 ANTI WIRE” was a national tour that took place from the end of 2020 into 2021, and had 11 shows that covered 7 major areas of Japan (Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka). The highly anticipated video production of the January 31, 2021 performance at the Tokyo International Forum can now be viewed here!
Although this tour was called an acoustic tour, it far surpassed the framework of the stereotypical acoustic show. It was an “acoustic show where you can go crazy without using your voice”, perfect for the times.

仮想都市"NEO TOKYO"を舞台にアグレッシブなパフォーマンスとラウドかつヘヴィなサウンドに支配された攻撃的な作品になっている。
The very last show of the national tour showcasing HYDE's first album since resuming his solo career, "ANTI", was held at Makuhari Messe on December 8, 2019; and this tour finale has been captured on video! Set in the virtual city of "NEO TOKYO", this aggressive production is dominated by the loud and heavy sound, and HYDE's energetic performance.

有観客および配信のハイブリッドにて実施されたライヴ。“Rock Day”と“Acoustic Day”といった2つの公演を実施。アルバム『ANTI』(2019年発表)収録楽曲を中心に、HYDEの二面性が楽しめる内容となった。
A hybrid concert of live audience and simultaneous live broadcast. Two types of performances, "Rock Day" and "Acoustic Day", were held during that time. Enjoy the duality of HYDE through the songs featured in the album "ANTI" (announced in 2019).

Uncut footage of the arena tour finale held at the Budokan.

8000キロを走破して手に入れた最高の瞬間!!熱狂を超える、驚愕のLIVE映像完成!!VAMPSワールドツアー最終チリ公演、【VAMPS VS オーディエンス】最強のマッチアップ! 2010年を集大成の年と位置づけて、怒涛の活動を全世界で続けたVAMPSから、待望のライヴ映像がDVD化決定! 今作の舞台は、最新アルバムが現地のセールスチャートで日本人アーティスト初の4位を獲得した、南米・チリ。 来訪を熱望された国で、メンバーの想像をも超えた熱狂的なライヴとなったこのチリ公演の映像を収録。 オールチリ映像からなる今作にはドキュメント映像も収録!VAMPS史上最高のライヴ映像作品化!
Rocking the best moments after traveling 8000 km!!! The complete mind-blowing LIVE footage that goes beyond the word “exciting”!! VAMPS World Tour Finale in Chile, “VAMPS vs Audience”, is the strongest match yet! Making 2010 the compilation year, the long-awaited concert footage from VAMPS was released on DVD, igniting their volatile activities all around the world! Taken place in Chile, South America, where their latest album took 11th place on the local charts, for the first time in history by a Japanese artist, the footage includes the staggering show in Chile, beyond anything, anyone in attendance, could ever imagine. Documentary consisting of the complete behind the scenes footage of VAMPS in Chile is also included with this release! It’s considered the best concert release in VAMPS history!

Originally held as an online concert in 2020. The full-length uncut video of the broadcast is now here!
With the concept of Day1. <LIFE> and Day2. <LOVE>, the setlist alternated accordingly, so that you can fully enjoy ASH's incredible singing talent and rich artistic expression through acoustic arrangement of his songs, much different from his usual shows.